Episode 8: The Holy Spirit

By Ayanda Gamedze

Today, we shall once again discuss the word of God and we shall speak from a topic which is very interesting, which is called the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit. I know this is a subject or a topic that is not widely spoken about and it is a very diverse subject. But for the sake of time, we shall get into it. Not much into detail, but as the days go by, we shall look at it even further because it is a very important subject and without it, we lost believers. Okay, let’s get right into it.

The Holy Spirit.

Firstly, let’s look at who is the Holy Spirit? Now, here I’ve had a whole lot of people saying, what is the Holy Spirit? You see the wedding there. What? I want to first clarify something here. The Holy Spirit is a persona. He’s a part of the Godhead. He’s got the Father, got the Son, and got the Holy Ghost. So it’s a he. It’s a persona. So it’s not it. No, it’s the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of the living God. He, when you refer to him, we say he. Okay, so who is the Holy Spirit? We’re going to look at what the Bible has to say.

Number one, the Holy Spirit, among the many things that he is to us is our comforter. Where do we get this? When you read the book of John, chapter 14, verse 16, King Jam says, And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another comforter that he may abide with you forever. There you have it. The Holy Spirit is our comforter. You need comforting. The Holy Spirit is there.

Number two, he’s our teacher. And our reminder, where do we get this? If you read the book of John, chapter 14, verse 26, it reads as follows, but the comforter which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in My name, he shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance. Whatsoever I’ve said unto you, this is Jesus, he’s telling his disciples. He says, but the comfort of the Holy Ghost, who the Father will send in My name, he shall teach you all things. He’s your teacher. Knowledge is found in him. He says, I teach you all things and not just anything he says and bring into remembrance.

He’s a reminder. He helps you remember what he said to his disciples whatsoever I have said unto you. So his purpose was to comfort, teach and remind them of all the things that Christ had said. Number four, he’s our Liberator. If you read the book of 2ndCorinthians, chapter three, verse 17, says, now the Lord, that is the Spirit. And where the Spirit of God is, there is Liberty. I don’t care what it is. This is a very sad one. We have believers who have been believers for years. They still struggle with the same thing for years. I’m talking 20 to 30 years. They’ve been believers. They believe in Christ Jesus. They are saved upon again, but they still struggle with the same things, same spirits, same habits, same everything. It says it right here in two Corinthians, chapter three, verse 16. I’m here to tell you today, I don’t care what it is. Unless you are baptized with the Holy Spirit, you can never be liberated.

There is Liberty. You are liberated in the presence of the Holy Spirit. There is power in the presence of the Holy Spirit. Okay, that’s just some of the things. There are many more of who the Holy Spirit is in our lives. Let’s look at why we need the Holy Spirit one for power. We read this last week, Acts, chapter one, verse eight in King James says, But Ye shall receive power after the Holy Ghost has come upon you, and Ye shall be witnesses unto both men in Jerusalem, in all Judea and in and, Samaria, and to the atmost of the Earth. You can preach, but there is no power. You can talk about Christ, but it will never have power until you have received the Holy Spirit.

All you’re doing is just speaking head, knowledge, intellect. You are speaking amiss because you lack the essence. The Holy Spirit.

Number two, we need the Holy Spirit for direction. If you read the book of Isaiah, chapter 31, it says, and thine ears shall hear a voice behind thee, meaning you shall hear a voice behind you saying, this is the way, Ye walk in it. Ye turn on to the left or on to the right. So in simpler terms, it means whether you go to the left. In other visions, it even says that whether you go to the left or you go to the right, you shall hear a voice saying, this is the way. Walk in it. Imagine embarking on a journey from here to Cape Town or Durban or wherever. And you do not have a GPS as we do these days. And you’re just going, what are you going to do? You don’t even know the direction yourself. You’re going to ask, when I stop at a garage, that’s what we used to do a long time ago. You stop at the garage and you ask or even ask people down the streets and whatever those people told you, that is the way you would go. According to that way. That’s what’s happening with the Church these days. And it’s so sad and it’s so alarming. The Church gets directions from people who claim they know the direction. Yet the Bible clearly States that whether you go on the left or to the right. You shall hear a voice that is the voice of the Holy Spirit guiding you. He gives you direction, you need Him because he shall give you direction. Says the steps of the righteous are ordered by the Lord. The Holy Spirit is the one who’s going to give you the direction and say, this is the way to go. Walk in it whether you go to the left or to the right. Let’s stop asking for directions from people.

It is the Holy Spirit the topic that is not spoken about in Church today. The Body of Christ claims to be the Body of Christ baptized in water but not baptized in fire. The fire we’re talking about is the Holy Ghost. It is the baptism through the Holy Ghost that the Church will awaken and realize the times we’re living in, swelling less and less of the word. But if we are filled with the Holy Coast, baptize with the Holy Ghost, you shall stand and you shall know that direction to go. Many are false prophets these days. They’ve risen from all over, all walks of life and they all claim to know Jesus and they all claim to be going to heaven and they leading people astray and our people, the children of God.

The Church shall be led astray because they are not baptized with the Holy Ghost. My brother, my sister, you need to be baptized with the Holy Ghost. One may ask, how do I receive the Holy Spirit? It is simple if you read the book of Luke chapter eleven. He says if he then being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children. How much more shall you, Heavenly Father, give you the Holy Spirit to them that ask for him? Ask and it shall be given. If there’s anything you should ask of God these last days is that you are baptized with the Holy Coast. If you’re saved and born again and you’ve accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior, you need to make sure you’re not only baptized with water dipped inside water and you came out, but you are baptized with fire which is the Holy Ghost because the power is in the baptism with the Holy Ghost.

Trust me. Prayer you can pray till you’re blue. You can fast until you’re red or dry. You can read the Word and know the Word from A to Z. It will just be had knowledge. It will be theory theology unless you are baptized with the Holy Ghost. Prayer Fasting reading the Word is utter useless. You will not get anywhere. When you pray you must pray in the Spirit. The power is praying in the Spirit. And how can you pray in the Spirit if you are not baptized with the Holy Spirit when you fast? We have had people fasting for days on and days on and they would come back the same. The problem is they are not baptized with the Holy Ghost. They read the word, but they do not understand it. And they take the scriptures and make them their own and tell us all type of things according to what the scripture. They’ve been forgotten. The final gospel which has been sent to preach the gospel of reconciliation. It is because they are not baptized with the Holy Ghost. The power is in the Holy Ghost. I don’t know what you are preaching. If you’re not preaching baptism with the Holy Spirit. A man must be saved and accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. After all that, he must be baptized in water. After being baptized in water, he must be baptized in fire, which is the Holy Ghost. And only then will you be have effective deliverance shall come when you baptize with the Holy Ghost. We’ve got Christians. Yes. As I’ve mentioned, years and years on years they’ve been in the Church and they’ve been Benjamin sitting. Things are the same year in, year out. You can never save yourself. You need the Holy Spirit. The power is in the baptism of the Holy Spirit. I age you today right this evening. Ask yourself this question. Am I baptized with the Holy Spirit? If not, this is your moment. Drop us an inbox right there and we shall lead you in a prayer upon the laying of hands. The sound of the voice you shall receive. The Bible says in Luke chapter eleven, verse 13. If you ask, you shall receive how much more you are who are evil know how to give good gifts to your children. How much more the Father, he shall give the Holy Spirit to those who ask for him. So tonight I want to tell you it is not complete until you’re baptized with the Holy Coast. The power is in the Holy Ghost and I leave you with this question. Are you baptized with the Holy Ghost? Are you baptized in fire? Are you moving in power? You see, when Christ comes back in Revelations, we are told of Rapture. We shall be caught in the sky to meet him in the sky. It is not you, according to your name and surname and your good deeds, that shall be met and caught up in the sky. It is the Holy Spirit that shall attract you to Christ like a magnet attracting one another together, the Holy Ghost inside of you, that is the one that will make you be caught up in the sky and meet our Savior and Lord. Are you baptized with the Holy Ghost? Are you baptized with the Holy Ghost? Are you moving in power? This is your moment. Never let it pass by. Do not just move. Do not just preach. The direction is in the Compass. He’s in the one who knows the way.

Are you baptized? I leave you with that message tonight and may God bless you. Let us pray. Heavenly Father, we thank you tonight, O God, for the truth that we have received our Father the truth that wish must be baptized with the Holy Spirit. Unless you are baptized with the Holy Spirit. We are just walking aimlessly. It’s like the blind leading the blind. We need you. We know you are a direction. You are a Compass. You are the ones who show us the way. You are the one who leads the way, Amen

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